Support & Advocacy

The LGBT Resource Center advocates for the needs of our LGBTQIA+ students, staff, faculty, and trainees. Together with the larger Office of Diversity and Outreach, and many of our campus LGBTQIA+ partners, we work together to promote inclusion and equity in UC policies and practices. Below are some of the advocacy projects and services that our Center currently provides:

  • Individual support to UCSF affiliates who are in need of LGBTQIA+ community resources.
  • Individual support and referral to students, staff, faculty, and trainees who feel like they have been discriminated against or harrassed.
  • Transgender Workplace Issues: We work with individuals and departments to assist any student, staff, faculty, and trainee who may be coming out in the workplace.
  • Inclusion of LGBTQIA+ Issues in curriculum and clinical training
  • Work with Human Resources and to ensure benefits and policies are inclusive of LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Greater inclusion of sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression in policies, medical records, admissions, etc.
  • Accessible Gender Inclusive Restrooms.
  • Working with campus resources (ie: campus housing, gym) to ensure safety and support for LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Connect new employees, trainees, or students to campus resources.