Out in Science

June 20, 2018
4:00pm to 5:30pm
Gladstone Institutes, Mahley Auditorium

Students, trainees, and professionals, this is your chance to find LGBTQ+ role models and mentors! Listen to panelists’ stories, relate to their experiences, and ask them questions about the challenges and opportunities of being out in science.


  • Fred Chang, MD, PhD, professor of cell and tissue biology, UC San Francisco
  • Alejandro Ruiz, PhD, graduate student in physics, UC Berkeley
  • Teresa Tuan, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics, UC San Francisco
  • Noah Whiteman, PhD, associate professor of integrative biology, UC Berkeley
  • Moderated by Patrick Bradley, PhD, bioinformatics fellow, Gladstone Institutes

The event includes a panel discussion and a question and answer period. A reception will follow in the Gladstone lobby.

Hosted by:

LGBTQ+ community group at the Gladstone Institutes, UCSF’s Graduate Queer Alliance, and the UCSF LGBT Resource Center.